The course NGS in DNA Diagnostics course was held at Medical Faculty of Erasmus University in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, between 4th and 6th of September 2018 and was focused on genomic sequencing in medical diagnostic context, i.e how to apply Next Generation Sequencing as a diagnostic tool in hospitals. The 3-day-long course was intended for bioinformaticians, researchers and molecular and clinical geneticists.
The organizer of the event, Dr. Jasper Saris, invited Saphetor, the company behind VarSome, to give a talk about Saphetor’s solutions for processing of NGS data.
‘Although I got to know VarSome just a few weeks ago, I have used it already quite a few times and find it very useful for my everyday work as a molecular geneticist. So I thought it would be great to have someone from VarSome attending our workshop, to share with us a bit of the VarSome story and work with the platform in a hands-on workshop,’ said Dr. Jasper Saris, Clinical Laboratory Specialist at Erasmus MC, The Netherlands.
We gladly accepted the invitation and Dr. Tomas Kucera, our Head of Business Development gave a talk about VarSome and Saphetor Platform, our professional platform for analysis of NGS data, which was followed by hands-on practice.
‘It was a pleasure to talk about our solutions and to share our vision of how those tools can help to bring the NGS technology to wide clinical practice,’ said Dr. Tomas Kucera, Head of Business Development at Saphetor SA.

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