Although NGS technology is increasingly available in clinical settings, the main challenge remains the interpretation of sequencing data, especially when it comes to larger data sets, such as exomes and genomes. The MedSeq Project examined the...
Global Genomics Community of 500 000+ healthcare professionals and researchers, who share their findings and expertise and look to establish collaborations. It features a massive knowledge base consisting of 140 data resources and powerful variant search engine.
VarSome.com Premium is a subscription service allowing you to access additional 3rd party annotation data resources and features without any delays.
CE IVD-certified and HIPAA-compliant platform for variant discovery, annotation, and interpretation of NGS data for whole genomes, exomes, and gene panels, for individual samples, trios, families, and cohorts.
All our platforms provide powerful programming interfaces which allow you easy integration with your own software tools.
Although NGS technology is increasingly available in clinical settings, the main challenge remains the interpretation of sequencing data, especially when it comes to larger data sets, such as exomes and genomes. The MedSeq Project examined the...
As a result of little standardization, large amount of new scientific findings generated almost every day and an explosion of sequencing data for various purposes, the landscape of human genomics is quite fragmented, siloed, and inconsistent. We all...
As a researcher or medical professional, you may encounter a rare variant which you have never seen before. Collecting information about such a variant may take you a lot of time without any guarantee that you will find what you need. However, if...
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